In June, six years have passed since Softiq was established. It was a time of many changes, huge employment growth, creating a long list of plans. It seems that when the company reaches a certain stabilization, all you have to do is go with the flow, and everything “happens by itself”. Nothing happens by itself in Softiq. Behind each new initiative there are people who never stop. Even if they do it’s only for a moment to reflect and verify the effects of taken actions. Softiq, just like other similar organisations, puts people and technology at the centre.
From July 2021, Stermedia Group joined us – one of the leaders in the artificial intelligence and robotic process automation market. Thanks to the purchase of some shares, it is possible to combine experience, knowledge and a similar way of thinking about business. These key aspects became the magnet that Softiq and Stermedia attracted. Through the merger, the technology group Euvic enriched its portfolio with technologies in the field of artificial intelligence.
– The market today needs integrated competences in the field of artificial intelligence, industry 4.0 and process automation. Public sector entities, which are the main recipients of our services, already operate on huge data sets, but they are more and more willing to use technologies and solutions enabling their advanced analytics. Stermedia has extensive experience in carrying out IT projects in these areas. By joining forces, we have a chance to create an interesting proposition for our current and future customers – says Andrzej Plachta, Vice President of Softiq.
– We are glad that we will be able to help the Euvic Group expand its activities with innovative technologies. Limiting losses in processes, reducing errors or saving employees’ time during repetitive activities to fully use their potential are just some of the possibilities of artificial intelligence and robotization. We believe that the usage of Machine Learning will create new benefits for the Group’s customers, and together we will build a new quality of services and products on the Polish market – says Piotr Krajewski, President of Stermedia.
There is a very interesting time ahead of us, based on meetings, exchange of insights and getting to know the “know how”. The willingness to dialogue and mutual support is what gives both companies hope for even greater opportunities. It will be happening!
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